The helmeted guineafowl walking along
Every week, I am trying out new ways to apply the principles and tools I'm learning in both energy and functional medicine. It's an ongoing creative process that empowers my practice.
This week, I will share a follow-up on a patient I have written about in past newsletters who had struggled with anxiety and panic attacks. Also, I will let you in on some innovative ways that I am combining the use of ideas, intentions, supplements, and testing to help patients recover from mental illness and get off their medications.
Latest Approaches to Holistic Psychiatry
Keys to a successful recovery
In past newsletters, I had written about using 5-HTP rather than L-tryptophan and mitochondrial support for the treatment of anxiety. The patient in those newsletters had struggled with generalized anxiety and frequent panic attacks. In January 2018, at the beginning of treatment, she was using both Prozac and Zoloft and smoking marijuana four times a day. Her hair had fallen out, and she felt fatigued all the time. Because of the severity of her symptoms, she had to withdraw from college and move back home to live with her parents.
Now, nearly a year later, she has been doing great. She no longer has a problem with anxiety or panic attacks. She began attending college in September and has been getting A's in her classes. She has been off all her medications since May and has stopped smoking marijuana. Her hair has grown back, and she has plenty of energy. Her supplements are also coming down over time, and she's meeting with me less frequently. Oh, one last thing, she is working towards her goal of becoming a holistic psychiatrist. Imagine that!
If you recall, her recovery was not a straightforward process. I had to learn along the way (uncomfortable, "yikes!" moments). At times, she nearly gave up and thought she would have to rely on Prozac again. Our faith in the content and process of holistic healing was tested. But, in the end, it was all worth it. Being open to learning and integrating creative approaches were keys to her successful holistic healing journey.
When I took my first step down the path of holistic healing, I began with just one supplement. It was called EM Powerplus and the company used it to help heal bipolar patients. I thought, at the time, that it was all I needed to heal everyone of everything.
Now, nearly 17 years and an energy field later, healing mental illness holistically has become much more than I initially imagined it would be. My office closet is filled with hundreds of supplements, but there will always be a patient where even with all that I've learned, it still will not be enough. So, the learning and integration of new ideas and approaches go on, spurred by need, failure, curiosity, and creativity.
Little by little, step by step, my holistic practice evolves and expands. The foundation of a successful practice comes from openness to learning and creative integration. The goal, of course, is to create greater happiness as the patient heals the underlying causes of dysfunction.
Here are some areas I've been working on recently:
Healing states of being. People often have blockages to receiving or giving basic qualities inherent in Life Energy, such as love, peace, joy, and forgiveness. It is possible to unblock one's access to these energies with EET, using intentions focused on unblocking and receiving these states of being. This allows a person to fully access Life Energy and heal more easily.
Healing genetic weaknesses. The DNA is like a library of inherited information from your ancestors. It isn't just a series of nucleotides that make enzymes. One can focus one's intention, using EET, to heal the traumas, blockages, and beliefs held in the library of inherited information. One patient told me that she could feel things "shifting" energetically inside of her during this approach. Releasing traumas and blockages generally results in lightening the burden and easing the healing process for the patient.
Healing neurotransmitter systems using Logosynthesis. Using this energy technique, I worked on the various neurotransmitter systems of a patient diagnosed with attention deficit disorder who wanted to get off his stimulant medication. He had been on many supplements but was not able to get to an optimum level of cognitive function. Two weeks after doing Logosynthesis, his supplement regimen reduced significantly, and his problems with focus, attention, and motivation resolved. His cognition continues to function well months later. His colleagues have also noticed and have complimented him on his improved performance at work.
Creating homeopathic replicas of prescription medications. A clinician showed me how a machine called The Remedy Maker by Eagle Research LLC can make a homeopathic replica of prescription medications. The homeopathic replica holds the vibrational information of the medication but doesn't cause negative side effects. It is helping my patient get off Lamictal with a lower risk of relapse.
New supplement companies on my radar. I like nutritional companies that can provide great supplements at affordable prices that are easily accessible to the public (not just available to clinicians). Lately, I have been pleased by what I learned about two companies: Organifi and Bullet Proof. Organifi makes whole food supplement powders that taste great and are powerful and healing. Bullet Proof supplements approach healing from more of a medical perspective, where the supplements target certain functions, such as free radical scavenging or energy (ATP) production. These supplements consistently muscle test well and are grounded in good science.
Systematic Muscle Testing Approach. Over the past few months, I have been muscle testing the patient before and after the energy intervention to help measure the effectiveness of an approach. Also, I have been asking the patient to "tap into" certain energies/traumas that we are interested in treating, for example, their ability to receive joy. A weakened or blocked energy state translates into a weakened ability to hold one's arm steady when pressure is applied. After the intervention, we retest the patient to see if they have a stronger muscle testing response.
Anything worth building takes time, effort, and faith, especially with something as precious as mental health. As you move forward in your journey, I hope you will persevere and keep learning!