Hanging Out and Having a Drink Together
Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
I would never have anticipated that anyone would ask me to help them heal their sexual problems, but lately, that's exactly what's been happening. In the process of helping these patients, I discovered that energy medicine has an amazing ability to help resolve serious issues that block people from enjoying their sexual relationships.
Read on for the juicy details, and have a wonderful week!
Healing Sexual Relationships in Two Sessions or Less!
Upon entering my office, Grace sat down in an armchair and announced, "My therapist really liked you. She met you at a Barbara Evans seminar. She said that you can heal my problem with sex in two sessions."
"In two sessions?!" I exclaimed, "How long have you had this problem?"
"All my life," Grace replied.
Grace is 55 years old and has been married to a good man for over thirty years. She explained, "I want to have the desire to have the desire to have sex with my husband."
She shared that as soon as they start to "fool around" she tends to "go away," i.e. mentally tune out. She also said that she's felt disconnected from her body for much of her life.
After some exploration, I agreed that her lack of sexual libido was due to a psychological problem rather than a physical one. And since I was supposed to cure her problem in two sessions, we got right to work using EET + Logosynthesis and EET alone, approaching it from all angles. In our first session, we treated eight different possible psychological causes for her low sexual libido.
Interestingly, every time we did energy work, she reported feeling a tightness in her jaw and throat (a significant sign that only became clear to me in the second session).
After the first session, she reported that her sex drive hadn't improved, but she felt that her experience of kissing her husband had "become more enjoyable and sensual." Another improvement was that her repetitive dreams about her first serious boyfriend finally stopped.
Although Grace has no memory of ever being sexually abused, her tendency to dissociate during sex raised a red flag for me. Many people who have been abused at an early age often dissociate their traumatic experiences. And for Grace, her dissociation suggested that perhaps sex might be a trigger, resulting in a similar dissociative reaction.
In our second session, I said, "I'm just going to throw this out there. I may be totally wrong, but I wonder if the tightness in your throat every time we do energy work suggests some kind of healing is happening there. Do you think perhaps you might have experienced abuse through oral sex as a child?"
Grace's reaction was instantaneous and intense. She began to cry and her body started to shake. She shared that she's always "hated" oral sex. Although she couldn't remember her abuse, what I suggested resonated with her at a deep, physical level. We did a number of rounds of EET + Logosynthesis and then EET alone on sexual abuse—seven different issues in all, and she felt a lot of energy shifting during the session. Afterward, she reported that she felt "really good."
Two weeks later, I spoke with Grace again for our third session. She told me that I had cured her problem with sex in our last session and didn't know what else she needed to work on. I guess her therapist was right. It really did take only two sessions!
Here are some examples of the EET + Logosynthesis and EET rounds we did for her healing process:
Feeling disappointed, rejected, and detached from "X" even though I loved him as my soul mate.
Any blockages, dysfunctions, and deficiencies in energy and information associated with this difficulty with being vulnerable, open, and authentic with my husband and in my relationships inherited from my ancestors or experienced in my own life.
Any blockages, dysfunctions, and deficiencies in energy and information associated with sexual abuse and dissociating during sexual encounters inherited from my ancestors or experienced in my own life.
Any blockages, dysfunctions, and deficiencies in energy and information that interferes with a loving, healthy, accepting, and attentive relationship with my body, inherited from my ancestors or experienced in my own life.
Any blockages, dysfunctions, and deficiencies in energy and information associated with dark sexual secrets that block my sexual libido and sexual relationship with my husband.
Any blockages, dysfunctions, and deficiencies in energy and information associated with sexual abuse involving oral sex that block my sexual libido and sexual relationship with my husband.
Besides Grace, another woman reported healing from damaging effects of repeated sexual molestation when she was in foster care as a child. Sometimes it may take just two rounds, working on a couple of issues, and sometimes, as in Grace's case, it may take 15 rounds, working on the problem from 15 different angles.
A third woman healed from over a decade of not having sex with her husband. She and her husband worked on the following issues together:
All the blockages, dysfunctions and deficiencies in energy and information associated with difficulty allowing myself to be vulnerable, open, and authentic in my marriage inherited from my ancestors and experienced in my own life.
Have the courage, love, and humility I need to be vulnerable, open, and authentic in my marriage.
Catalonian Dance
Smithsonian Folklife Festival, Washington, DC
She came back after her session with a big smile on her face, reporting how surprised and delighted she was to have had sex with her husband. She said that she felt like she was "dating him all over again!"
Her husband—who agreed to see me because his wife wanted it—had shared that his personal goal was to have "marital bliss." For his self-sacrifice of coming to see me when he didn't think he had a problem, I thought I'd try to help him get what he really wanted. I think he was quite satisfied with the results.
Hopefully, I've given you some ideas about how to rejuvenate your sex life using simple energy medicine techniques. I hope you'll apply them in your own life and enjoy more bliss!