Ross Castle, Killarney National Park
County Kerry, Ireland
What stands between you and everything you want in life? Is it something external to you? Your relationships? Your job? Your health? Or is it something within you that you can't easily point to?
Today's update is about a common blockage to our ability to receive what we want: our subconscious sense of deservingness. Read on for a closer look at the invisible thought with the power to move us or stop us.
To Deserve or Not to Deserve, That is the Question
The main blockage to receiving good things in life
"To be, or not to be, that is the question."
(Hamlet by William Shakespeare)
Before you can be anything, you have to answer another similar question: to deserve, or not to deserve? This is the unceasing question subconsciously posed to self at all times.
Consciously, most people's response would be, "Heck, yeah! Give it to me! I deserve it!"
But subconsciously, the majority of us struggle with feeling undeserving. When I energy test patients on wanting vs. deserving something good for themselves, they generally test strong with "wanting ___," but go weak with "deserving ___." Test it on yourself.
How to test:
Have someone first push down on your extended arm, just above the wrist, with gradually increasing pressure as you resist and try to hold your arm in place. Keep your mind clear by focusing on your breath as you do this. This is your baseline strength. The other person should adjust the way they push on your arm until they're able to push your arm down with moderate effort, not too easily or too laboriously.
Repeat the same test on your arm's strength when you are saying and thinking, "I want to be ___."
Repeat the same test on your arm's strength when you are saying and thinking, "I deserve to be ___."
Some examples:
I want to be loved vs. I deserve to be loved.
I want to be successful vs. I deserve to be successful.
I want to be well vs. I deserve to be well.
I want to have abundance vs. I deserve to have abundance.
Did you notice a difference in strength between the "want" statements and "deserve" statements?
When you test strong with something you're saying or thinking, it means there is an abundance of energy supporting that statement or thought. It rings true to you at a subconscious level, and you are supported by strong energy when you say or think it.
The opposite occurs when you test weak with something you're saying or thinking. It means that there is a deficiency of energy supporting that statement or thought. It rings false to you at a subconscious level, and you are not supported by energy when you say or think it.
What does it mean when energy doesn't support your "I deserve" statements? It means that you have the gas in your gas tank to go where you want to go, but not enough to help you to arrive at your desired destination. Therefore, you won't get there. In other words, you can't be it. This is called an energy reversal.
By now, you're probably wondering, "How can I fix this energy reversal problem?"
In energy medicine, the energy behind problems can easily be shifted through intention and the proper energy. The Energy Medicine Techniques section of my website outlines many approaches that can help correct this kind of reversal. Choose a technique, insert the problem you have with "not deserving ___" in the technique's template, and apply the technique. Then, retest yourself again. Are you strong when you make your statement with "deserving" now?
It's really that easy. But . . . if it doesn't get corrected, usually you can either repeat it or use energy medicine techniques to unblock anything that may be keeping you from feeling deserving, such as guilt, trauma, negative beliefs, resentment, and grudges etc.
Another thing: just as positive intentions can change your energy, negative intentions can change your energy too. If you find yourself repeatedly thinking thoughts that oppose your deservingness, you can go back to your reversed state.
It's understandable that this happens, as life is a constantly changing process, and who you are now is not who you will be two hours from now. It depends on how you use those two hours in between now and then.
Contented Cow with Curly Hair at the Cliffs of Moher, County Clare, Ireland
Don't feel bad or criticize yourself if you don't test strongly with "I deserve" statements. I have found that even professional therapists have gone weak when saying, "I deserve to be loved." In fact, perhaps the best among us are the ones most prone to feel undeserving of good things in life due to ingrained guilt, a perfectionistic attitude, or childhood background.
Testing strong with deservingness doesn't mean that good things magically fall into your lap without hard work. It means that when you encounter an opportunity for something you want in your life, you can approach it (through work and effort), and as you get closer to receiving the fruit of your labors, subconscious energies deep within you will be there to support you. With the wind behind your life's sails, you will get what you want.
To be or not to be? Let's all be what we want to be by clearing blockages to our deservingness!