Lilac-breasted roller on an acacia tree, Pilanesburg, South Africa
Today I would like to explore how change is part of living as creators. In other words, living life is a constant process of letting go of the life you created and creating anew the evolving life before you.
This constant state of change that takes us away from the familiar and into the unknown is both difficult and wonderful at the same time. How can we accept rather than resist the changes we face, as we evolve through life as creators?
Read on to explore this question, and I hope, to spark further insights within you. May your path be filled with delightful changes!
Changes, Changing, Changed, Repeat: The Evolving Life of Creators
Growing up, I remember the admonishment, "Don't quit. Work harder." That advice had a profound impact on the course of my life. Looking back on how I followed that advice and kept going when I should have changed course, ignoring red flags along the way, I feel that it had not always been for the best. There is nothing wrong with changing one's mind and going in a different direction. I would not have been a failure, and my future would not have self-destructed. Things would have turned out differently, but okay.
Sometimes life quits on us. It stops where it once had floated along. A path ends abruptly and another path must be taken. We are forced to accept it and move along the best we can even though it really, really hurts. Do you know what I mean?
Sometimes we evolve from within, but the environment doesn't. The more we change within our static surroundings, the more stifling and uncomfortable it feels to remain in the same situation. We feel compelled either to leave, shift the setting, or choose to accept it and suffer.
Life is always changing. Even as we feel ourselves standing still, we are spinning through the cosmos in multilayered cycles. Objects we use as metaphors of constancy--the mountains, stars, and love--are neither constant nor unchanging. As we evolve and re-create ourselves, we are faced with the challenges and decisions that come with change, whether to live it or abandon it, embrace it or ignore it, both from within and without. Life is change.
When I feel overwhelmed by changes in my life, the following approaches (at five levels of being) have helped me to accept change and manage stress better:
Spiritually: I meditate and set a clear intention to connect myself to Life Energy, Pure Love, and Infinite Light. I pray and ask for divine intervention and miraculous support. I continue giving to others so that the flow of abundance will continue to pour through my life. I choose to detach myself from objects, outcomes, and even physical attachment to life, to free myself from the fear of loss.
Mentally: I distract myself with music, a movie, a conversation, or a book. I take time to journal and write about what I think and how I feel about the changes I am facing. I write of and through my fears and worries, coming out the other side with greater hope, meaning, and purpose despite the challenges of change. I try to focus on my blessings and remain grateful. To lessen my anxieties, I remember times when I have prevailed over difficult changes and how good outcomes resulted from them.
Emotionally: I let myself cry and be sad (or angry and frustrated) and try to be authentic and present when facing changes. I treat myself kindly and try to use humor (even if it's dark humor) to lighten things a bit. I avoid using drugs or alcohol to suppress my feelings. Rather, I do my best to honor my feelings and listen to what they are teaching me about who I am at this point in my life. I will use energy medicine techniques to speed up my healing process.
Physically: I make an effort to take supplements, choose healthy foods, and use sleep to help alleviate the stresses associated with change. Exercise is also helpful for releasing tension. Doing it regularly helps me maintain stress resilience.
Socially: I share my struggles with my friends, even when I might feel uncomfortable intruding on their time. I go for a walk or hike through nature, taking time to appreciate its beauty and peace. I also find that helping others amplifies the flow of positive energy in my life.
I hope that we can welcome change as part of who we are as evolving Creators. More than just coping with change, I hope that we will flourish from the opportunities they bring to enrich and expand our lives.